“Charlie is a bloke who lives in England somewhere. He has decades of life experience* and is a bloody nice chap. He’s been known to write a song or two, a selection of which are available for your listening pleasure on this tiny site in the furthest and most remote outpost of the interbets.

*Charlie wanted this to say ‘curmudgeonly old git’.  I told him to sod right off.

He is a politically-minded and extremely just man as evidenced by his more political recordings such as ‘Magic Money Tree’ and ‘Screaming at the TV.’ He wants everyone from pauper to prince, from drinker to doctor to have a reason to smile once in a while. His acoustic offerings paint a perfect picture of his life and yet are relatable to by anyone. This writer challenges you to do anything but sit and be fully absorbed as Charlie takes you on a journey through his soul and yours. As for his reggae recordings, you will sway. There’s nothing more to say on the matter!

Other singer songwriters, musicians and indeed producers who have been in the industry for more than 20 years cannot fail to note the easy and natural way in which Charlie expresses his musical talent. If you ask him, however, he will tell you he’s a rubbish musician and that he can’t sing a note in tune.

If it’s true that Charlie is a terrible musician and singer (he’s quite the dichotomy. He knows he is intelligent and engaging but somehow can’t believe that about his music), one still can’t help but become fully immersed in his songs. They are a window to the writer’s heart; a heart which is filled with loving and sentimentality and a little sadness from time to time. Somehow, though, the subtle undercurrent of melancholy and regret evident in some of his songs never seems like self-pity.

Charlie won’t approve of this bio. He will want it to say how much his home studio frustrates and befuddles him and how he wishes he were a better musician, but just listen, dear reader, and I’m sure you will agree that Mr Stubbings is actually pretty damn good and there’s simply no two ways about that fact.”

-KRA 2018




Curmedgeonly old git? No way!